Women's Justice Center, Centro de Justicia Para Mujeres
Home, Pagina Principal, About, Sobre Nosotras, Funding, financiamient
What's New What's New, Que Hay de Nuevo
Help. Ayuda
The Maria Teresa Macias Case, El Caso de Maria Teresa Macias
Criminal Justice, Justicia Criminal
Women in Policing, Mujeres Policia
Guest Book, Lobro de Vistantes
Workshops / Talleres
jContact Us, Contactanos

The Greatest Escape, Special for Domestic Violence Victims
Special for Rape Victims
My Case Info: A Downloadable Booklet for Organizing Your Case Information, for Victims of Violence Against Women and Children
Tips for Helping a Friend
  General Tips for Helping a Friend
  Tips for Talking with a Friend about Rape, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse
  Tips for Helping a Friend Through the Criminal Justice System
Tips for Social Workers, Counselors, Health Workers, Teachers, Clergy, and Others
Form for Evaluating Police Response to
Domestic Violence
Form for Evaluating Police Response to Rape and Sexual Assault
Online Handbook: Advocating for Women in the Criminal Justice System in cases of Rape, Domestic Violence, and Child Abuse
Special for Immigrant Women
Tips for Testifying
Know Your Rights
Advocating for Domestic Violence Victims Who Have Been Arrested for Domestic Violence.
12 Teaching Scenarios
Mapping the Obstacles to Criminal Justice for Women
Beware Family Court: What Victims and Advocates Should Know
Beware Child Protective Services: What Victims, Advocates, and Mandated Reporters Need to Know
A Guide for Mothers, Grandmothers, and Others for Helping a Girl Caught in Prostitution or Sex Trafficking
For the Women of Katrina and Other Disasters
Protection from Violence Against Women and Children
How to:
  How To Start an Independent Advocacy Center to End Violence Against Women, ...and Why
Monitor, Uncover, and Enter Evidence into the Case Yourself 
  How to Write an Effective Letter
to Make the System Work for You
  How to Investigate Domestic Violence Homicide
  Domestic Violence Homicide Risk Assessment
  Improve Services and Outreach to the Latino Community
  Write a Public Records Act Request
  How to Write a Letter to the Judge
Education Units:
  In Memory of Jasa 'Haille' Anguillo
A true story and educational unit on youth domestic violence, the criminal justice system, and community action.
Victim Language Rights
  It's the Law
  Language Line Information
  Insist on Good Translations
  Quick Tips for Using an Interpreter
  From Barrier to Barring the Door
  Comprehensive, Competent, Language Access
  Bilingual Officers' Victory, a Wake Up Call for the County
  The Gang Connection
Bilingual Community Treasures
  Court Interpreters: Artisans in the Eye of the Storm
  Girl Child in the Promised Land
  Domestic Violence Immigration Specialist
  Latina Outreach, Just the Right Touch
  Meet Our Translator, Laura Asturias

All rights reserved © 2010 by Woman's Justice Center
Web site by S. Henry Wild