is nervous before testifying. Publicly speaking the truth of your
experience against a violent crime is a heroic and powerful thing
to do. It's natural to be nervous. And even more so because you
were the direct victim of the crime, and because as a victim of
rape or domestic violence, you probably knew the accused well
and at some time trusted and maybe loved him. You're testifying
not only against violence, but against human betrayal too.
One of the best ways
to start calming your anxieties is by appreciating that power
and worth of your testimony. Your testimony is the pivotal force
for setting things right against the crime that took place, both
for you and for your community. Even if your testimony doesn't
lead to a conviction, the truth you tell, just by having spoken
it in a court of law, is a good and permanent part of the healing
power of justice, and a way to heal your own feelings too.
of the great value of your testimony to society, there are hundreds
of courtroom rules to protect you and your story while you are
testifying. There are rules that protect you from inflammatory,
prejudicial remarks, from unfair questions and distortions, and
from irrelevant attempts to undermine your truth. Strict laws
also make it a crime for anyone to try to dissuade you from testifying
or to try to influence your testimony in any way. If anyone attempts
to influence what you will say in court, you should report it
right away to the police or prosecutors working your case.
The court has also
been given strong authority by the community to act forcefully
on your truth; enough power that in responding to your testimony,
the court can stop the wrong in its tracks. And more. By its authority,
the court in response to your testimony can deliver a strong public
warning to all who would think to behave like this again, and
a far-reaching message of hope for all who are still trapped in
the wrongs of rape, domestic violence and child abuse. The courtroom
isn't perfect yet, especially for victims of violence against
women and children. But remember, thousands of women and children
before you, by their own willingness to testify against this violence,
have strengthened the courtroom stage for you.
So one of the best
things you can do for your nervousness before testifying is to
take great pride and dignity in the good you are doing for yourself,
for your community, and for all the women who will come after
Here are some other
things that should help you too.
as much as possible about the case. Before testifying, you
should try to find out: What are the exact charges in the case?
What is the purpose of the hearing at which you are about to testify?
What are the names of the prosecutor, the police officer or detective,
the names of the defense attorney and the judge? Is there a victim
advocate assigned to your case? If not, ask for one. Do you have
an assigned time to meet with the prosecutor before testifying?
If not, call ahead and ask for a meeting. Has the prosecutor offered
any deals to the accused? What is the deal, and what does it mean?
And you should have a chance to get answers to all the specific
questions you have, like What happens if...if I can't remember
something, if the defense brings up my driving record, if the
court finds out I'm an undocumented immigrant, if the accused
lies about me, if he sends a friend out to get me, etc.?
The best places to
get the answers to these and other questions are from the District
Attorney's office (in Sonoma County, call 565-2311), from victim
advocates (like Women's Justice Center at 575-3150), or from the
detective or police officer who investigated your case. Before
calling or meeting with officials, it's a very good idea to write
down all your questions and comments you have in a notebook. Confusion
is a big source of anxiety. Getting your questions fully answered
is an excellent help for your fears.
thing that can be very helpful is if the prosecutor or a victim
advocate can take you on a tour of a courtroom before you have
to testify.
Arrive early at
the courthouse. And be prepared to wait! It often happens
that a number of cases are scheduled in the same courtroom for
the same time. The order in which the cases will be called is
unpredictable. And that can be very exasperating, especially if
you're already nervous to begin with.
Bring enjoyable things
to do while you way. Bring things like magazines, word puzzles,
or a walkman, and try very hard not to bring children. Best of
all, bring a friend or two. Not only can a friend help you through
the waiting periods, but if you wish, you have a right to have
your friends in meetings with you and the prosecutor (According
to California Penal Code Section 679.04) and in the courtroom
with you when you testify, including if that person is a witness
in the case, (California Penal Code Section 868.5).
Prosecutor will Protect and Facilitate Your Testimony. One
of the biggest worries many people have before testifying is that
they imagine sitting in front of the courtroom faced with the
nearly impossible task of trying to make a logical story out of
what has been a traumatic and chaotic event. The reality is, you
don't have to worry about this at all. That's not your job. It's
the prosecutor's job. (The prosecutor is also known as the deputy
district attorney or the assistant district attorney.)
The prosecutor's overall
role in the case is to bring the charges against the accused,
and to prove the charges "beyond a reasonable doubt". As the victim
of the crime, you are the prosecutor's main witness. That's why
once you begin to testify, the prosecutor is going to do everything
possible to make you feel at ease, to help you move through the
story comfortably and logically, and to help you highlight the
main points of your experience. And when the defense attorney
begins asking you questions, the prosecutor will be listening
to protect you and your testimony from any unfair line of questioning.
testimony in the courtroom begins with the prosecutor asking you
questions. Most prosecutors begin slowly by asking you a number
of simple questions, such as asking you your name, where you live,
how long you lived there, etc. The prosecutor does this until
he or she sees that you're comfortable, and that the questions
and answers have settled into an easy back and forth. Then, in
the same tone of short, simple questions, the prosecutor will
lead you on a logical, step by step, progression through the events
of the crime. All you have to do is listen carefully to the prosecutor's
questions, and one by one, answer the questions honestly, simply,
and clearly. During your testimony, the prosecutor is not going
to try to trick you, confuse you, or make you look bad.*(see
note below)
Court- Certified
Interpreters are Highly Qualified, and Will Translate Your Testimony
Word for Word. If you feel more comfortable speaking in your
native language, and almost everyone does, ask the court for an
interpreter. Court-certified interpreters are among the most highly
trained interpreters in the world. Almost always, you can relax
in the confidence that your words and meaning are being very carefully
and accurately translated to the court. If at any time you have
doubt about the translation of a particular point, motion to the
interpreter who will be sitting right beside you, and repeat and
explain your thought in another way.
Pause that Refreshes. Take as Many as You Like. One of the
things that happens when you're nervous is that the sensation
of time gets warped. Sometimes it seems that time is speeded up,
sometimes it seems like moments last forever. If you purposely
take brief pauses, this puts you right back in control of time.
Take a couple of deep breaths, rest your eyes on a part of the
courtroom where nothing is happening, take a sip of water, look
at your friend, take a moment to think about your answer, a little
bit here and a little there, and you'll begin to relax and feel
in control. Another good time to take a moment for yourself is
when the attorneys are arguing over each other's objections to
questions that have been asked. You can listen if you like, but
because the discussion pertains to a question of law, it doesn't
require your participation, and it's a good time to take another,
all-important, pause that refreshes.
And if at some point
you're feeling overwhelmed, you can always turn to the judge or
the prosecutor and ask for a ten-minute break. It's not at all
unusual for a witness to do this, so don't be timid about asking.
In fact, any time while you're on the stand, you can ask the attorneys
to repeat questions, you can (and should) tell them immediately
if you don't understand a question, and you can turn to the judge
and ask if you have to answer a particular question. If a question
is especially embarrassing to you, or painful, you can preface
your answer by saying "It's embarrassing to talk about this..."
If you don't remember something exactly, it's important for you
to say that too. "I don't remember exactly, but it seemed like
it was about fifteen minutes."
Let the Defense Attorney Get to You. He or She Is Just Doing Their
Job. And You're NOT on Trial! The defense attorney's questioning
of you will follow the prosecutor's questions. A good defense
attorney will probe your testimony to make sure you're telling
the truth. That's the defense attorney's job, and it's an important
one. If you think about it, this cross examination of your testimony
by the defense attorney helps create the strong public confidence
in the decisions made by the court based on your testimony. So
don't get rattled when the defense attorney questions what you
had to say. Whenever possible give honest, short, yes- no answers
to defense questions. If you have to give an explanation, try
as much as is true to explain things in terms of what the accused
did wrong to you. A victim that restates the accused's crimes
in response to a defense attorney's questions, is going to strongly
discourage the defense from getting out of line.
a defense attorney sees that you're telling the basic truth about
what happened, some, not all, will then go on to fish for other
kinds of weaknesses in your testifying. They may look for tiny
contradictions, such as "ten minutes ago you said it was a blue
shirt, now you say it was green." Whatever you do, don't get upset.
When the defense attorney gets down to harping on minor details,
that just shows the defense attorney is desperate. Most people
who are telling a true story will, at one point or another, have
minor contradictions in the telling. So correct whatever you need
to correct, give a brief explanation only if necessary. Say you're
not sure, if you're not sure. But whatever you do, don't get upset.
That will only encourage the defense to do this more and more.
And always remember,
the prosecutor is there to stop any unfair questioning by the
defense attorney. The prosecutor does this by saying to the judge,
"I object." So don't panic. Slow down, and give the prosecutor
time to object. In fact, look directly at the prosecutor if you
feel like you're being harassed by the defense. And if you think
the prosecutor is missing it, ask the judge directly, "Do I have
to answer that question"?
Another thing defense
attorneys sometimes do when they know you're telling the truth,
is to try and confuse you into saying something you don't mean
to say by tangling many thoughts together. If you feel confused,
just don't answer the question. Say out loud that you're confused.
And keep saying you're confused until the defense attorney figures
out that you're just plain not going to answer confusing questions.
Are Not On Trial! One other thing desperate defense attorneys
do, and by far the most difficult for victims to handle, is that
the defense attorney may ask you questions about something they
believe you feel guilty about. Often the accused, because he knows
you well, has helped the attorney put together a list of these
things. You had an affair, you're on probation, you were using
drugs, you're in the country illegally, etc. Almost always, the
defense attorney is not allowed to bring these things up in court
because, you're not on trial! But that doesn't mean defense attorneys
won't try to sneak these questions in, for one reason only, in
hopes that he or she can get you to act guilty and defensive on
the stand.
So here's what to do
about all things that you're afraid might come up in the court,
and that are eating at you, and making you fearful of testifying.
Make a list of the worst things you can imagine, ask the prosecutor
or a victim advocate ahead of time, "What will happen if they
bring this up?" Most of the time the prosecutor or advocate will
tell you that the defense can't bring these things into the proceedings,
and that the prosecutor will put an immediate stop to it if the
defense even goes near it. If for any reason, however, one or
the other negative things about you is relevant to the court,
then the prosecutor or advocate can remind you of this, "Just
tell the truth, and remember, you're not on trial." "Yes, I lied
to the police about using drugs, because I didn't think the police
would believe me about the rape if I told them I was using drugs."
And don't forget, don't get upset. Slow down. And give the prosecutor
time to object.
Tactics Are Nothing But Small Rocks Over Which Your River of Truth
will Continue to Flow. And this is the perfect time to doubly
remind yourself of what's most important of all. By testifying
in a court of law against the crimes of rape, domestic violence,
or child abuse, you are performing a most essential and heroic
civic task for keeping your community safe. No one in the world
is perfect. And knowing ahead of time that the defense attorney
might try to dig at one or the other of your imperfections, only
makes your willingness to testify more admirable. So hold onto
the pride and dignity that you so greatly deserve. And any defense
tactics attempting to undermine you will be nothing but small
rocks over which your river of truth will continue to flow.
* A note
on the prosecutor. It is true that while you're testifying, the
prosecutor is going to be doing everything possible to protect
you. At the same time, it's important to remind you that the prosecutor
is not your attorney. The prosecutor is the people's attorney.
And there may very well be times in the case, when the prosecutor
is not acting in your interests, or may be acting directly against
your interests. This may especially occur at the charging of the
case, or in the plea bargaining phase. The prosecutor may be willing
to undercharge, or "give the case away" for far less than is just,
or for much less than the evidence can prove. So before you accept
or agree to the prosecutor' handling of these aspects of the case,
talk with victim advocates or other officials about your concerns.