
omen's Justice Center receives most all our funding from individuals and small businesses like yourself. The other small percentage of our funding comes from private grants. We don't receive any government funds. This is intentional. The financial independence gives us the freedom to advocate vigorously for women's rights where ever those rights are violated, without having to worry about losing our funding.
This also means that we very much need your support in order to continue this important work to end violence and secure justice for women and girls.
es, we’re a tax deductible non profit. Our administrative overhead is a very low 10%. We are effective! We’re experienced! And we care passionately about ending the violence! Please, send your donation, today. For our part, we promise to put your donation to very good use, and to keep you informed through our web site and with our quarterly newsletter, Justicia.
You can donate online by clicking on the red
DONATE NOW button at the top left of this page!
Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check to the
following address:
Make Check to: rjf/Women's Justice Center
Mail to: Women's Justice Center
P. O. Box 7510
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
To receive our newsletter, Justicia, be sure to include your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 