On hearing the
realities of prostitution and sex trafficking, socially conscious
people want to know, "Yes, but what can we do?"
And more specifically, "What can we do in our own home
The short answer
is that you or your group can make immense strides toward
ending sex trafficking in your home town. And you can do so
without wearing yourself out, and by using the talents you
enjoy using most.
The following
is a list of 13 diverse abolition projects that tap into a
wide variety of individual talents and interests. These projects
are 'doable' by small groups at low or no cost, and can be
easily tailored to your time frame. Furthermore, they are
just examples. Even if these projects don't exactly fit your
needs, they should at least spark your imagination as to the
many more diverse tasks that can and need to be done.
The projects variously
target four pillars of modern day slavery and are grouped
under those headings. The four pillars are, the sex trafficking
infrastructure, law enforcement, the sex trafficking demand,
and the general public.
But no matter
which project you choose, this first project we outline should
be beginning foundation for any of the others.
Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, or sexual slavery?
We believe it's extremely rare for any human being to become
a prostitute without being driven by extreme duress or coercion.
We also know that the average age of entry into prostitution
is 12-14-years of age. As such, we believe that most, if not
all prostitution is a form of sex trafficking and sex slavery,
and in this text we use all the terms interchangeably. But
even if you disagree on that point, prostitution, sex trafficking,
and sex slavery are so thoroughly intertwined that the one
can't be eliminated without also seriously tackling the others.

Is it Really Happening in My Town?

There aren't many
solid statistics on sex trafficking, per se. But the few facts
we do have make it virtually certain that, yes, sex trafficking
is really happening in your town. Consider that one out of
five men in the U.S. has purchased sex, and that the average
john does so an average of once a month. Consider also that
the general preference of johns is 'the younger the better'.
And that the average age of entry into prostitution is 12
-14 years of age. Enticing a minor into prostitution, whether
by force or not, is an obvious segment of sex trafficking.
So from just these
facts alone it's pretty clear that sex trafficking is happening
everywhere. But there's more. It's extremely rare for adult
or minor victims of sex trafficking to overcome their fears
and to report or seek help. It's well known that police throughout
the country are more likely to arrest the victims than to
protect them. And adding insult to injury, police rarely arrest
the pimps and johns, although that is just beginning to change.
Add to this the
huge amount of money that can be made by the traffickers,
- over a thousand dollars a night per prostitute, - with virtually
no risk of being caught.
The reason you
don't see sex trafficking, or hear or read about it in the
papers is because the victims are bound in silence and fear,
and very few people beyond the pimps and johns are even looking
out for them. But when you do look, and look knowledgeably,
as you'll likely find in the course of your work, it's very
easy to find.
If you're not
convinced, look here. Go to backpage.com on your internet
select your location, click on the adult section, escorts,
and find a daily updated supply of women and girls for sale
in your town.

Does it Matter?

The suffering and
violation of the immediate victims of sex trafficking is,
by itself, more than sufficient imperative for doing all that
can be done to stop it. But to help you in convincing those
who have difficulty thinking beyond their own set of family
and friends, have them consider this...
Every single girl
in all our communities is, at the very least, a secondary
victim of sex trafficking with serious consequences for her
life. By the time any girl goes through middle school and
high school, she has heard herself or other girls pelted by
the words 'ho', 'slut', 'bitch', 'skank', and more, and she's
heard it thousands of times.
And every single
girl, one way or the other, has had to repeatedly alter and
constrain her behavior in trying to avoid the daily shelling
attacks of those labels. There is no equivalently venemous
arsenal of words to berate male sexual behaviors. These words
are aimed specifically at females, and serve to control, shame,
subordinate, humiliate, and constrict all female sexuality.
This battery of words and the universal harm they do to girls
derives their crushing intensity from the very real existence
of a female class of prostitutes and trafficking victims in
every town.

#1 - First Things First

Research and Compile a List of Resources within Your Community
Even though your
community may not have specific groups of police or public
health units dedicated to ending sex trafficking, it's almost
certain that, by now, no matter where you live, there are
at least key individuals, or small groups of individuals,
here and there in your community who have taken a special
interest in the subject, and who have developed some degree
of expertise.
These key individuals
may be health workers, parents, church members, individual
law enforcement officers, peace and justice advocates, service
club members, violence against women advocates, youth workers,
juvenile hall workers, middle and high school teachers, shelter
personnel, politicians, psychologists, etc.
*** Pick
up the phone! Start calling around and you will find them!
Make a list! Not only will this list be invaluable for whatever
project you may want to do, you'll learn a tremendous amount
just in the short conversations you have with these people.
In addition, this
list, especially if you keep it updated, will be invaluable
to your community. A simple local list of resources does a
lot more than help in individual cases. It's a powerful first
step in prevention. It broadcasts to the community that there
are real people right there in their own home town who are
watching and paying attention.
Consider at least
getting these people in touch with each other on a group email
list. Consider also pubishing it on a community resource card
that you can hand out to people no matter what other project
you decide to undertake. Naturally you need to get permission
from the individuals, unless they are public officials.
You can title
the card, Community Resources for Helping and Educating about
Sex Trafficking. You don't have to publish people's last names.
You can write something as simple as Jane R. at the rape crisis
center, or Martha at the Soroptimists. (Public officials can
always be listed by their full name and contact information.)
Consider handing
the card out along with whatever project you do; at family
planning clinics, to teachers, juvenile hall, police, health
workers, emergency rooms, hotel staff, taxi drivers, etc.

Project #s 2, 3, & 4
Dismantling the Sex Trafficking Infrastructure

The sex trafficking
infrastructure is the industry's achilles' heal. Unlike most
other organized crime, sex trafficking requires a huge customer
base, a customer base that, for the most part, is enmeshed
in all facets of legitimate society. Consequently, sex trafficking
operations are forced to reach out and make themselves visible
and accessible throughout society in order to regularly interface
with their customers. As such, for sex trafficking to thrive
it depends on multiple segments of the community being willing
to be complicitous and look the other way.
Winning over and
dismantling that infrastructure knocks out a critical pillar
of modern day slavery.
To see an outstanding
example of a full fledged campaign aimed at one aspect of
the sex slavery infrastructure click here: Truckers Against
Trafficking! http://truckersagainsttrafficking.org/
Project #2.
With and Win Over the Hotel/Motel/Spa/Tourism Infrastructure.
If you like to
get out and about, and meet and greet, in all the fun places,
this is great project for you. And it's critically important,
too. Hotels, motels, tourist and convention centers, taxi
drivers, spas and massage parlors, clubs and bars, all are
a key part of the sex trafficking infrastructure, especially
so in a county like ours where tourism is such a big part
of the economy. In our county, Sonoma County, where our resident
population is only half a million people, there are over 7
million tourists who come here every year, many of whom are
drawn by alcohol exalted in wines. Sex trafficking is a no
brainer blend in the mix.
Sometimes traffickers
will rent a hotel room, or a suite of rooms, and direct customers
to that location. Others deliver the prostitutes directly
to the location of the customers who themselves have rented
a room. No matter. Whichever mode of operation, a very large
number of legitimate staff and personnel from taxi drivers
to hotel staff to hosts in our spas and wine tasting rooms
are needed to pretend not to notice and to look the other
way. Thousands of these every day people are in the position
to either aid and abet sex trafficking, or, to be frontline
troops in the fight to stop it.
Meeting with them,
informing them, and winning them over is an essential task
for ending sex trafficking.
To be sure, these
infrastructure personnel can be anywhere on the moral spectrum
from unknowing particpants, to those who simply look the other
way, to the other end of the spectrum where individuals or
whole businesses are getting a cut of the take and are actively
part of the sex trafficking operation. Most of these people,
however, are not hardened criminals, and with a positive approach,
and a little of coaxing and education from you, they can actually
be transformed to serve as front line eyes in the struggle
to stop this slavery of women and girls.
*** So put together
a five to ten minute conversational talk that you or a couple
of you can have with your local hotel managers or owners.
Make the appointments. Focus on disseminating specific tips
for identifying sex trafficking operations, and a couple of
phone numbers for where to report. Have some written material
handouts with local resources and national reporting numbers
that you can leave with them. Infographics are particularly
useful for posting in employee staff rooms.
Fortunately, you
don't have to reinvent the wheel. A number of anti-slavery
groups throughout the world have already established best
practices and created excellent materials that you can adapt
and use in your own project to win over your local sex trafficking
*** Ask managers
and staff to pass the information on to their co-workers and
to post your materials in staff rooms. But keep in mind that
the most important aspect of your meeting is the meeting itself.
The face-to-face contact is powerful. It makes the good people
among them more conscious, and it puts the less well intentioned
on notice that they're being watched and judged.
For relevant
resources, start here, ECPAT, http://ecpatusa.org/
, (718) 935-9192
With, Win Over, and Partner with Housing Managers, Residents,
and Latino Community Advocates
On first take
this project may sound like little more than a subtle variation
of the previous project. But, in fact, it requires far different
skills and sensitivities.
Sex trafficking
operations that are based in minority communities and that
seek to reach customers primarily from within that community
are often structured quite differently. They tend to be much
more closed off and better hidden from view than operations
that seek customers among the public at large.
As an example,
much of the sex trafficking in our Latino community in Sonoma
County is based in housing and apartment rentals. Advertising
is done through word of mouth along with a system of calling
cards that get passed around from trusted person to person
within the community. As a further example of just how finely
tailored these operations are from venue to venue, out in
our rural vineyards sex trafficking generally operates through
the bars that cater to farmworkers, or through the labor contractors
The main point
being, the more closed the customer base, the more clandestine
and insular the operational structure, the more difficult
it is for outsiders or authorities to crack it. In fact, if
you're not a member of that community, or even of a particular
neighborhood, it's not even advisable that you be the one
to try.
Instead, it's
best to meet with advocates, clergy, housing managers, and
others within these communities to serve as a source of information
exchange. As such, it's a project in which you need to do
your homework ahead of time. Research examples of how sex
trafficking operations function within minority populations
of your community. Gather up appropriate materials, meet with
key community members, and exchange information and ideas.
Because, in the
end, even operations that target an exlusive customer base
must still reach out to and involve all kinds of legitimate
people within that community base. The calling cards used
in our Latino community, for example, pass through the hands
of a lot of people who would never think of purchasing women
and girls. Many of the neighbors and families in the apartment
complexes where the girls are sold are deeply unhappy and
fearful that the operations are there. And just as with the
previous project, they can turn and look the other way, or
they can become the frontline troops on stopping it.
And also similar
to the previous project, the main power and reward of both
these projects are the face-to-face meetings themselves, making
the good people more conscious and informed, and putting the
ill intentioned on notice they're being watched.
Project #4. Target the Advertising Infrastructure!
If you like being
more behind the scenes on the internet and sleuthing through
the web, here's a project for you.
Advertising is
an essential part of the sex trafficking business model. Prior
to the internet, advertising would generally take place in
a given part of town, through taxi drivers, hotel staff, in
classified ads, in community parks, and by word of mouth.
These methods are still fully functioning today. However,
in recent years and for it's many obvious advantages, the
internet and cell phones have come to outpace them all.
Websites such
as backpage.com and myredbook.com provide a premium platform
for trafficking women and girls. Their market reach is unlimited
while, at the same time, they can be pinpoint specific in
targeting your home town.
web sites additionally provide anonymity for seller and buyer.
If you're not convinced, just go to backpage.com now, select
your location, click on the adult section, escorts, and find
a daily updated supply of women and girls for sale in your
Because these internet and cellphone platforms are stationed
behind so many layers of technology, they can seem untouchable
to local activists. And because they take so much of the advertising
off of the traditional streets and strolls, these new platforms
can also lull people into thinking this sex trafficking is
not really happening in their home town.
But if you're
internet savy, you already know that maintaining these sites
requires every bit as much legitimate infrastructure as other
more traditional trafficking infrastructure. There are web
hosts, internet service providers, web designers, banks, programmers,
and sundry other human personnel. And like their counterparts
in other infrastuctures, most of these people are not hardened
criminals. But they have chosen to look the other way, and
they are, indeed, supporting sex trafficking in your town.
They need to be
located, approached, won over, and/or held to account.
*** So get yourself
together with two or three other geeks, order up some pizzas,
huddle over your computers, and start figuring out which companies
are supporting these platforms, and who's in charge of which
aspect. Reach out to these individuals, and start coaxing
them to fly right.

Project #s 5, 6, & 7
Turning the Spotlight on Demand and Holding
Johns to Account

The engine that
drives modern day slavery is the trade's most hidden and protected
element. If you think back over recent media coverage you've
seen on sex trafficking, you were probably introduced to some
of the prostitute victims, and cameras were probably turned
on some of the pimps. You were also probably taken to some
of the motels, media, internet, and other infrastructure of
the trade. Yet, in all liklihood, the throngs of customer
johns who drive the industry were never explored at all.
Moreover, the
johns are rarely arrested. (Across the country, over six times
as many females are arrested for prostitution offenses as
males.) The johns are also rarely studied by academics, never
held up to scorn by religions, nor subject to any of the societal
hate, harassment, villification, and violence that gets directed
at the prostitutes.
Yet clearly, If
it weren't for the gazillions of johns in every niche and
neighborhood of the planet, there would be no prostitution
or sex trafficking anywhere. Far from the being the mythical,
marginal male in the shadows, the real johns, like the perpetrators
of other forms of violence against women, are our neighbors,
uncles, clergy, public officials, police, coaches, teachers;
the guy next door, 'the good guys'. At minimum, one out of
five men have bought women or children for sex, or more accurately,
for sexual domination.
One of the most
cynical and effective covers for the johns comes out of liberal
thinking circles that equate the johns' motivation with that
of poor drug users whose addictions drive them mercilessly
against their wills into the underworld in order to satisfy
urges that border on necessity. It's a thinking that goes
beyond providing excuses and absolution for these men. It
serves to virtually paint over the john's role as primary
perpetrators of sex trafficking, and presents them more as
sex trafficking victims.
The reality is
quite the opposite. The few studies of johns we do have find
that these men already have access to sex, and that their
attraction to prostitution is more as lurid sport than cravings
and urges. Nor are these men buying sex, per se. They're buying
sexual domination and suppression of female autonomy.
Exposing the john
and his central role at the forefront of the sex trade, debunking
the myths that protect him, and demanding john accountability,
are one of the most powerful projects you can undertake for
ending sex slavery.
Dear John Campaigns
This project has
a part for everyone, from photographers, videographers, graphic
designers, to imaginists, to those who like to get out and
about, to meet and greet. Moreover, it's so simple. It's easily
adaptable to all variations of circumstances and messages,
and it can be used again and again.
It's a project
we've lifted right out of the city of Atlanta, Georgia. It
can only be best described by showing you some examples:
as in this
picture: |
or this one: |
or here: |
Or this video:
John Campaign :: Mayor Shirley Franklin
Or this one:
John Campaign - English TV 1 - :60
So you see, you
can take this into any media, involve any one from parents
to public officials, coaches, clergy, business owners, neighbors,
and get the simple, but potent message out.
It's incredibly
powerful when you can get your local people speaking out publicly
to the Johns. No john wants to be called out in their own
town, even if they're not being called out by their individual
John Fact Sheets
and Info-graphics
The image of the john as a desperate, sex starved, marginal
male couldn't be further from the reality. Yet it's a persistent
protective myth that needs to be targeted and replaced by
the facts. The myth persists because it serves to deflect
blame off the johns, and protect them from accountability.
It provides a safe, comfortable cover for any man in the world
to buy a women or child whenever he feels like it.
It's worth repeating
again and again. These men, for the most part are quite aware
of the harm they're doing, and they don't care. Their average
age is about 40. They are not marginal males. Most are regular
guys. Most are married or have girlfriends. They generally
like to buy girls the younger the better. Far from being desperate,
they like the power, having their way, and making sure any
vestige of autonomy these women or girls may have has been
securely locked away under fear and duress. These men are
exploiters, pure and simple.
Equally revealing
as the facts, are quotes from the johns, themselves, as laid
out in these studies.
John Next Door
The Demand for Prostitution: Preliminary Insights From Interviews
With Chicago Men Who Purchase Sex
Up! Take the Pledge
*** So gather up
the facts. Sprinkle them with some revealing quotes, put them
together in a captivating design using background images from
your local community. Distribute liberally and creatively.
Project #7
and Distribute a One Page Summary and Critique of Your State's
Current Legislation for Holding Traffickers and Johns to Account
It isn't just
law enforcement that protects johns from being held to account.
The laws themselves are structured to set the stage for this
impunity. In most states, the johns, at worst, are treated
as misdemeanor offenders. The laws don't even recognize the
johns' central role as perpetrators of sex trafficking.
To be effective,
the laws also have to mandate the necessary training of law
enforcement. And, of course, they need to provide appropriate
punishment for pimps. Additionally, state laws should make
very clear that anyone who induces a child into prostitution,
with or without use of force, is guilty of sex trafficking.
Putting together
a one page summary of sex trafficking legislation in your
state can be invaluable for distributing to advocates, police,
health officials, teachers, students, youth workers, and so
many more, most of whom have so many other duties they don't
have the time to keep up on legislation. And if you create
your page with an artistic flourish that's even better. And
if you can add a note of critique for improving these laws,
that's best of all.

Project #s 8, 9, & 10
Transforming Law Enforcement from Part of
the Problem to Part of the Solution

Still, today,
from sea to shining sea, police are arresting at minimum six
times as many prostitutes as johns and pimps. This is no less
outrageious than police trying to stop domestic violence by
arresting the victims.
Police are a key
pillar of the sex trade, holding the victims down under fear
of arrests, while giving a virtual green light to traffickers
and johns to have at her with impunity. In fact, whether consciously
or not, law enforcement is serving as the sex trade's most
powerful enforcer, playing perfectly into the hands of pimps
and johns who need to keep the victims in constant fear of
Changing police
consciousness and behavior, getting police on the victims'
side, and turning law enforcement sights onto the pimps and
johns is no easy task. But it is perhaps the most essential
and powerful task in eradicating the overwhelming human rights
abuses of modern day slavery.
If you like numbers,
gathering and compiling the relevant law enforcement statistics
through public record requests is a potent and quick way to
raise community consciousness. These statistics can be very
convincing in answering the question of whether your local
law enforcement is more a part of the problem or part of the
The following
are examples of some of the questions that will provide a
picture to your community of how, why, and which side of the
equation your law enforcement is on. Note that some of these
questions should be directed to your local police agencies,
some to your local district attorney's office, your police
academy, and some to your jails and juvenile hall. Remember,
also, these are just a sample of the kinds of questions you
can ask of your local law enforcement officials.
***** Be sure
and look up your state's public record law (sometimes referred
to as your state's freedom of information act). Here's some
information on California's Public Record Act, as well as
information on how to write a public record request:
to Write a Public Records Act Request
A few sample
questions for illuminating local law enforcement responses
to prostitution and sex trafficking:
* How many males,
and how many females were arrested for prostitution offenses
in a given year. What are the standard sentences for prostitutes
convicted of prostituting? for Johns? What are the conviction
rates for arrested prostitutes? for johns?
* For a given
year, how many arrests for pimping? How many pimping convictions?
* How many hours
of training in sex trafficking investigations are cadets given
at the local police academy? How many hours of training annually
in sex trafficking investigations for police? How many hours
of training annually in sex trafficking prosecutions for prosecutors?
* How many arrests
for child sexual assault? How many convictions? (How effectively
your law enforcement deals with child sexual assault is key
to eradicating sex trafficking as it's been shown that a childhood
history of sexual abuse is the most common vulnerability for
child risk of sex trafficking.)
Don't keep your
results a secret. Publish them!
for 'Best Practices Policies' from Your Law Enforcement Agencies.
You don't have
to reinvent the wheel here. For excellent materials on 'best
practices' for law enforcement responses to sex trafficking,
see the International Association of Chiefs of Police materials
on human trafficking, including roll call training videos
- Scroll Down this page to the last section, the section on
Human Trafficking.
Response to Violence Against Women
Pick a simple policy
change for improving your community's law enforcement response
to sex trafficking. Put it in the form of a resolution. Prepare
a three to five minute talk in support of the resolution.
Take it around to your city councils and board of supervisors.
Get it on the agenda. And ask them to pass the resolution.
This tactic can
be quite effective since it forces your local officials to
take a public thumbs up or thumbs down position on human trafficking.
It thrusts the issue into the public forum, as well as putting
direct pressure on the police to change. Make sure you let
your local reporters in on your work.
Your Police Academy
You could spend the rest of your activist days just trying
to fix the backward sexist practices of our local police academies,
and it would be worth every minute of your time. Start with
Take a look
at this typical police recruiting video:Antioch
Police - Recruitment Video
Clearly, the kind
of person attracted by this kind of mindless, adrenaline-fueled
machismo couldn't be a worse match-up for the kind of persons
needed to understand and work with the young female victims
traumatized by sex crimes, especially those victims who have
endured the soul crushing degradations of sexual slavery.
The highly distorted,
hyper-male culture of law enforcement is extremely resistant
to change, but change it must. A good place to start is to
critique your own community's law enforcement recruitment,
and press them to change.
Then work on making
sure that the cadet classes represent the community, especially
in their percentage of females and minorities! Launch your
own recruiting drive!
Just as important,
monitor and critique the academy training curricula for adequate
time and sensitivity devoted to sex crimes, including sex
trafficking! Follow and support cadets through training, including
through the field training on their first job! Do exit interviews,
keeping names anonymous! Monitor the teaching styles! Press
for eliminating para-military style training! Educate the
You get the idea.
The current make up and culture of police across the country
couldn't be more ill-suited and ill-recruited for dealing
with the complexities of sex trafficking. And you couldn't
use your efforts to end sex trafficking more effectively than
to work to change it at its roots in the recruiting and training
in your local police academy.

Project #s 11, 12, & 13
Educating and Engaging the General Public

The public's many
misconceptions about prostitution and sex trafficking combined
with sexist stereotypes about women and girls in general,
and just plain lack of knowledge, provide an inviting environment
in which sex trafficking thrives. Challenging and changing
public thinking is an essential task for ending sex trafficking.
There are so many
ways this can be done. But four things to keep in mind whichever
project you undertake are: Use imagination! Make local reference
points! Target specific audiences! And, always give people
something simple they can do!
Project #11
Ignites Consciousness
It's true, a picture
is worth a thousand words and probably more. Whether it's
posters, digital art, political cartoons, info-graphics, or
photography, art has the power to ignite consciousness.
But it's challenging.
So many of the images and art chosen to illustrate the need
to end sex trafficking show women and girls chained, gagged,
chocked, caged, and worse. Often these images seem no different
than the lewd violent pornographic images men use to get turned
on sexually. Here are just a couple examples:
The significant
challenge for you or your group is to conceptualize new images
that get away from this problem, images that stir people's
thinking to move beyond the ambivalent views of women as bound
and gagged, while at the same time not minimizing the egregious
wrongs of the trade.
Think of images
that teach how traffickers lure youngsters, that hold the
men accountable, that call on police to take a stand, that
show women breaking free, that portray a world without women
enslaved etc. Your imagination is urgently needed!
And if you yourself
are not the artistic type, a dynamite project would be for
you to pose this challenge to art and graphics classes in
your community. Ask the teachers and professors if they would
consider offering this challenge as a class assignment. Ask,
too, if you could set the stage with a presentation.
***A recent video
produced by Eve Ensler is one example of shifting images as
it begins with scenes of women's oppression and transforms
to the energy and optimism of women freed.
See One
Billion Rising
Make Sex Trafficking Quizzes, Crossword Puzzles, or other
For whatever reason,
most people can't resist quizzes, crossword puzzles, and games.
So if you're among those who delight in creating them, more
power to you. Your delight can be put to awesome use in the
cause to end sex trafficking of women and girls!
Here's a couple
tips for maximizing the educational and social change potential
of the games people love to play.
* Go light on
the use of statistics! As important as statistics are, they
tend to take the fun out. A few well chosen statistics here
and there, however, can be thought provoking enough to seize
people's attention. For example, the fact that the average
age of entry into prostitution is between 12 and 14-years-old,
is stunning enough to really make people think in a new way.
* Keep things
simple, but not dumb.
* Incorporate
as much local reference as possible. For example, here's a
question that would have relevance to our community. Which
Santa Rosa Motel was sued and demolished because of it's sex
trafficking activities?
* Be nice and
always make the correct answers immediately available.
Project #13
Movie and Pizza Nites
This is one of
our favorites. Everyone loves movies and pizza. And even when
the movie deals with difficult subjects, we've found that
gathering people together at the local pizza parlor in the
big room with the large screen DVD player relaxes the atmosphere,
makes everyone comfortable, and opens their minds to the message.
So find the right
pizza parlor in your town, find a good movie, and get the
word out.
Here's a really
good film that combines suspense, action, heroism, and information,
a great combination for a vibrant evening for all.
The Whistleblower
Sent to Bosnia
in the aftermath of civil war, an American policewoman uncovers
evidence that U.N. peacekeepers are complicit in sex-trafficking.
But when she brings her findings to light, she learns that
her foes are more powerful than the law.
And another film
that is a true eye opener,
Very Young
Critically acclaimed
by the New York Times and Film Festivals around the world,
“Very Young Girls” is an expose of human trafficking
that follows thirteen and fourteen year old American girls
as they are seduced, abused, and sold on New York’s
streets by pimps, and treated as adult criminals by police.
The film follows the barely-adolescent girls in real time,
using vérité and intimate interviews with them
as they are first lured on to the streets and the dire events
which follow.

So you see, it's easy. A few hours here
and there and you can take your
community on a big step toward
ending modern day slavery.
So what's stopping you?
Start now!

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