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Afghan and Other Women's Statements

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Petition to Include Afghan Women at the Negociation Table En Espanol

Below is a petition to include Afghan women at the Negotiation Table. Please send it as soon as possible to the addresses that appear at the end, as well as to others you may have of authorities in your own country. Forward it to your networks as well, in order to increase the impact of this action. Let's make sure Afghan women are included at the negotiation table. Let's give the world a more beautiful face. Let's make the world a better and safer place.
claire bangasser

Include Afghan Women at the Negotiation Table

We ask that in the forthcoming negotiations Afghan women be included in the peace process. Let's hear women's voices speak for themselves at the negotiation table.

These negotiations will have profound implications for both women and men in the coming years, not only in Afghanistan itself, but in the whole region. Women's participation in the peace process will help decrease their vulnerability and invisibility. We all know that Afghan women have been the true martyrs of the Taliban years. May they have not suffered in vain!

With great courage and abnegation, Afghan women have repeatedly stepped out of their socially ascribed roles to respond to the Taliban tragedy.

It is time Afghan women become full players in the redevelopment of their country.

Let's correct the Talibans' horrors inflicted upon Afghan women. Let's make sure Afghan women sit at the negotiation table as equals. Thank you for helping make the world a better and safer place for women.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
High Commissioner for Human Rights
President George W. Bush
Laura Bush
Vice President Dick Cheney
Lynne Cheney
Secretary of State Colin Powell
CNN Community
"To call women the weaker sex is a libel;
it is man's injustice to women"
- Mahatma Gandhi

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