Why is Policing an
Important Career for Women?
Police experts nationwide have long held that
increasing the number of female officers is key to the success of community
policing goals, key to reducing police brutality, and essential to better
handling of the crimes of domestic violence and rape.
Two decades of studies have
consistently found that women bring a unique and very beneficial style to
policing. Most outstanding is women's ability to verbally de-escalate
volatile situations. Relative to male officers, women have dramatically lower
rates of use of excessive force, of officer involved shootings, and a lower
rate of citizen complaints.
More women and minorities
on our police forces are needed to broaden the narrow policing perspectives
that have dominated our communities for too long.
are the Requirements?
You must have a high school diploma, and have completed an accredited 16 week
police academy course.
You can go through the Santa Rosa
Police Academy by attending either the intensive 16 week program or the one
year evening program. Currently, a number of local departments. Are offering a
number of scholarships for the academy course. Call them now! And tell a
is the Pay?
Local starting pay for officers is $3,000 to over $4,000 a month.(Definitely
tell a friend!)
Isn't Police Work Dangerous?
No! It's a tenacious and harmful myth that police work is dangerous.
According to Department of Labor statistics, police work ranks relatively low
on ratings of occupational fatalities. Policing has fatality rates comparable
to such common occupations as electricians, construction workers, and truckers.
Also, contrary to common belief, half of all police on the job fatalities are
caused by auto accidents, not by guns. The myth of dangerousness keeps too many
women from considering police work as a career.
What about
Sexual Harassment?
It is true that the rate of sexual
harassment in policing is much higher than in other occupations. Female
officers consistently rate the prejudiced attitude of their male coworkers to
be the biggest stress of their jobs.
One important sign of improvement
in the last few years is that female officers are beginning to feel safe enough
to protest the harassment. Another indicator of change in our county is that
four female officers who quit their jobs at Santa Rosa Police Department this
year because of the hostility, were all quickly rehired by another local law
enforcement agency. It used to be that any woman who complained out loud was
sounding the death knell of her career. It's getting better!
is policing a great career for women?
Young women and second career women alike find that police work combines
diverse challenges, good pay and benefits, and the strong appeal of community
involvement. Make sure that women and girls know about the opportunities in law
- To use communication skills to
resolve community conflicts!
- To work with and protect the full
diversity of their town!
- To enjoy ongoing training in a
wide variety of skills and career paths!
- To receive excellent pay and
- Extra Bilingual Pay!
Where Can I Get More Information?
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