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Links / Enlaces

Criminal Justice / Justicia Criminal
American Prosecutors Research Institute Links on Violence Against Women (Excellent Resource)
Model Stalking Code Revisited 2007
"She Hit Me Too" Identifying the Primary Agressor, a Prosecutor's Guide
Investigation and Documentation of Women's Human Rights Violations
Abogados, Abogados, (FindLaw Espanol)
How to Improve Your Investigation and Prosecution of Strangulation Cases
Reducing Language Barriers to Combating Domestic Violence: Title V! Requirements
10 Myths About Custody and Domestic Violence, and How to Counter Them (American Bar Association)
Recidivism of Sex Offenders (DOJ)
Sex Crimes Law Blog
American Bar Association Survey of Domestic Violence Statistics
Femicide in New York City: 1995 to 2002
International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Programme
Jessica Gonzales Petition - Inter-American Comission on Human Rights
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice
Civil Violence Against Women Statute Summary Charts (State by State) American Bar Association
Rural Victim Assistance: A Victim/Witness Guide for Rural Prosecutors
Voir Dire Questions - Violence Against Women
(National District Attorney Association)
Homicide Investigation Documents - PERF
Criminal Justice Links
Victim Law, a user-friendly database of victim rights law
Tribal Court Clearinghouse
Custody and Control, Conditions of Confinement in New York’s Juvenile Prisons for Girls
Find California Code
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Police Executive Research Forum
Informe sobre "La violencia doméstica contra las mujeres"
California District Attorneys Assoc.
International Association of Women Judges
Sexual Assault Benchbook
National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives
Twisted Badge (law enforcement abuse site)
Lethality Assessment, Domestic Violence
Misuse of Police Powers in Officer Involved Domestic Violence
California Women Lawyers
Interpol World Catalogue of Sex Offense Laws: Country by Country
Design of Justice System Performance Indicators (Vera Institute)
Police Misconduct
Justice System Performance Indicators
Hiring and Retaining Women in Law Enforcement: Advantages
USDOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics
Prosecuting Adult Rape: A Model Curriculum
Sexual Assault Resources for Law Enforcement
Search Legal Terms (LawGuru)
American Judges Association - Domestic Violence Issue
Police Burnout and Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence
International Association of Chiefs of Police
International Association of Women Police
Police Liability
DOJ Stalking Report
Australasian Council of Women and Policing
Case Studies: Racism in Policing
Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association
Police Assessment Resource Center
Vera Institute of Justice
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
American Prosecutors' Research Institute: Papers
World FactBook of Criminal Justice Systems
Cornell Law School Supreme Court Collection
Assessing Justice System Response to Violence Against Women
Coalicion por la Corte Penal Internacional
Coalition for the International Criminal Court
Survivors of Murder Victims
Comision Andina de Juristas
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Corte Internacional de Justicia
El Mundo del Derecho
Themis, Associacion de Mujeres Juristas
National Center for Women in Policing
Find Law
National Association for the Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement
about.com guide to Crime
about.com guide to Civil Liberties
USDOJ Toolkit to End Violence Against Women
California Attorney General's Office

All rights reserved © 2010 by Woman's Justice Center
Web site by S. Henry Wild