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Our Web Creator Extraordinaire

S. Henry Wild

ur web designer, Sandy Wild, has been designing web sites all her life. It's just that in her early years the internet hadn't yet been invented. So as a young girl, Sandy took her vivid imagination, and created her own world in drawing and painting. As she got older she moved into designing sets for theater.

It was only after getting her associate degree in visual fine arts that Sandy began taking her first courses in HTML, the language tool of the sights and sounds of the web. Then one week Sandy was free of her kids for the first time since they were born. And in a burst of creativity that only a mother can understand, Sandy worked non-stop creating her first web site. That site is still used today at Santa Rosa Junior College as a teaching aide.

cores of web designs later, and two years working with NuDesigns, an up and coming California web design company, we met Sandy. We told her we wanted a site that was caring, serious, warm, and easily workable in two languages. Aside from our logo, we didn't give Sandy anything else to go on. And we couldn't be more pleased with the results.




All rights reserved © 2010 by Woman's Justice Center
Web site by S. Henry Wild