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Tips for Social Workers, Counselors, Health Workers, Teachers, Clergy, and Others Helping Victims of Rape, Domestic Violence, and Child Abuse |
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Introduction | ||||||||
As a social worker, counselor, teacher, clergy, or health worker, even if you have no formal training on violence against women and children, you're in an excellent position to help your client break free of the violence. Caring, common sense, and a couple of tips, combined with the professional skills you already have, are all you need. Moreover, you can do this without expending inordinate amounts of time and energy. One of the reasons your role is so vital is that the agencies and individuals your clients will be dealing with generally have fragmented responsibilities. Most likely no one individual will be overseeing the big picture. So even if the only thing you do is monitor your client's case and make sure she doesn't fall through the cracks, you can save her life literally and figuratively. Another reason your role is
pivotal is that although most individuals in the system will be helpful
to your client, there are still a significant number who are hostile to
these cases. It only takes one such hostile official to bump your client
out of the system and back into isolation and despair. It's in encounters
with these individuals, that quick intervention on your part will make
all the difference in the world. Also, because this guide is created as an overview, not every item will necessarily apply to your client. It's also certain there will be measures we've left out. As always, the unique circumstances of your client and your own professional instincts will be your most accurate guide of all.
Connect Your Client to Professional Help | ||||||||
Identify and Prioritize Your Clients Fears, Dangers, and Needs: You've probably already noticed that victims of violence against women are often so frantic and frightened they can't focus. Help your client prioritize which needs have to be dealt with immediately, and which can be temporarily left until later. Throughout the discussion, ask your client detailed questions about her fears and about specific threats that have been made by the perpetrator. Treat these fears and threats very seriously. A core feature of violence against women is the near certainty that as the victim attempts to liberate herself, the perpetrator will take ever escalating steps to pin the victim back under his control - and he will continue to do so until enough power of the system is marshaled to stop him. It's her fears of escalating violence and retaliations, usually more than anything else, that keeps the victim pinned in place. These fears frequently paralyze victims again and again during their efforts to escape. And the victim is right. The dangers are very real, and her situation will, in fact, get more dangerous as she attempts to free herself. The perpetrator will attempt to do whatever it takes to defeat her. (As just one indication of the validity of her fears, the majority of domestic violence homicides occur as the victim is attempting to leave.) The near certainty of escalating dangers is often the most significant, and unfortunately the most frequently overlooked, answer to the perennial question "why doesn't she just leave". As such, a critical first step for you is to identify, validate, and address the heightened dangers your client will face. Effectively blocking the perpetrator's ability to continue his control over your client should be uppermost in determining the referrals you give to your client. Naturally referrals to law enforcement are primary. But the individual circumstances of your client's case may also require help from housing authorities, counselors, school officials, family law services, and more. The key is to adequately assess the dangers in her path, and then connect her to the people who can eliminate the dangers. Then she'll be able to focus on all the rest. Note: For an easy to use assessment tool to help you evaluate and prioritize the full range of your client's needs, see "Tips for Talking with a Friend". This can be found on our web site at www.justicewomen.com or in our booklet, Tips for Helping a Friend. Give Effective Referrals: Because of the dangers and intense anxieties experienced by victims of violence against women, most victims find it extremely difficult to make that first cold call to an unknown agency. Simply handing a woman a referral card will most likely fail to get her connected to the services you intended. So here are some suggestions for making referrals that really work:
Help your client brainstorm and build a support system | ||||||||
In most cases it's going to take your client many months to unravel the abusive relationship and rebuild a new life. Violence against women and children is not a violent incident, or even a series of violent incidents. Violence against women is most often a violent regime in which the victim is trapped, double trapped, and triple trapped. It is a totalitarian system of violence that has ensnared every aspect of her life. She's going to need lots of help from lots of different people over an extended period of time. The dilemma is that right at the time she needs copious help from others, she's likely to be in a state of acute or chronic isolation. It's almost certain the perpetrator has poisoned key relationships in her life, and will continue to do so at any opportunity. And even if he hasn't done so directly, because he is violent, many of her associates will be afraid or reluctant to side with her, again right at the time she most needs support. By the time she talks with you, your client has probably already suffered the additional trauma of people pulling away. If your client is like many victims of violence against women, her response to the question of who can help her will often be "nobody". And that's where you come in. As a community professional you have immense sway in bringing others around to support your client. Brainstorm with your client a list of people who might help with any one of a number of tasks: such as accompaniment to appointments, an afternoon of childcare, transportation, a person to call when she needs to talk, a person to help her with paperwork, someone to help her get information, a place to stay for a night when she's scared, etc. Explain to your client that her support people don't necessarily have to be people she knows well. And they don't have to be experienced with violence against women. Explain to her that she doesn't have to tell them everything in order to ask for help. Have her mentally scan her constellation of neighbors, coworkers, her kids' teachers, church members, family and extended family, for anyone in her social contact who is smart and caring. Keep going until you get a starter list of four or five people. Consider making the first contact for your client. Victims of violence against women are often so beaten down, the thought of reaching out and asking others for help is downright terrifying. In addition, many good people still harbor prejudices and misconceptions about violence against women. At least at the beginning, consider making the initial contact with potential support persons yourself. Your professional standing and your willingness to educate will in all likelihood generate a "yes" from the same person who would have initially given a "no" to the same request from your client. In our experience, when private individuals are asked by a professional like yourself to help in a case of domestic violence or rape, they are flattered, they take the request very seriously, they follow-up, and they rarely, if ever, say no. The five or ten minutes that you spend on the phone with a potential support person will come back to your client a hundred fold. In addition, the five or ten minutes you spend on the phone with a support person will come back to you a hundred fold. With a little guidance and attention from you, these individuals often become your right hand in dealing with the client. They save you immense amounts of time as the client begins to lean on others for all kinds of things. They buoy the client's spirit and will. And once they get close to the situation, they generally want to get more involved. So here are a couple of key tips for successfully engaging support persons for your client:
One of the victim's most critical needs is to have someone accompany her on contacts with the system, especially in the justice system. Being accompanied by a support person when dealing with her case is your client's absolute best protection against all kinds of mishandling of her case at the hands of others. This applies to meetings with landlords, employers, school officials and even her family members, as well as to meetings, interviews, and hearings with officials and service providers. One reason the presence of a support person is so critical in cases of violence against women is because there are still such strong tendencies throughout our society to find any excuse to blame, ostracize, abandon, or deny services to the victim. Another reason a support person is so important is that victims of violence against women are extremely vulnerable to being overwhelmed by even the most normal affronts of human interaction. A cold shoulder, a bureaucratic run-around, interruptions, a chaotic background; any number of usual circumstances can quickly devastate these already traumatized victims and cause them to give up and retreat. Having a support person at her side prevents most of the worst abuse before it starts, and provides a needed witness in case it does start. A support person, in almost every circumstance, gets a victim much better service even if mistreatment is not an issue. A support person steadies the victim and improves the victim's own communication and focus. A support person helps the victim remember key information and key questions she wanted to ask. And a support person who is willing to take notes is worth her weight in gold. Having a support person at her side also tends to engage the support person into further helping your client. All around, there is just no other way to better improve your client's chances of getting free of the violence than to help her line up the people to accompany her. Fortunately, this isn't too hard to do. Most people, known or unknown to the victim, are willing to take on this function, especially when it's explained to them that their presence alone is sufficient. All they have to do is be there. But most will automatically do more. Educate your client how to best work with a support person who accompanies her. Because being accompanied by a support person is so important, its worthwhile not only to help your client connect, but also to give your client a few tips on how to work with the support person. Go over common courtesies such as confirming appointments and arrangements, meeting early, explaining the purpose of meetings, and always saying, "thank you". Identify and deal with family and associates who have turned hostile to the victim. The perpetrators of rape, domestic violence, and child abuse are almost always very well known to the victim. The members of her family, work, school, church, or neighborhood, or whichever social circle are shared by perpetrator and victim, will feel forced to take sides. Unfortunately, most will either take sides with the perpetrator, or will remain silent in defense of the victim. This phenomena is so common in rape cases, and so devastating to the victim, that in the literature on rape it's given the name, "the second rape". It's essential to understand why the victim's friends and family members so often side with the perpetrator instead of the victim. In brief:
All of these forces, alone or in combination, make it very difficult for even the victim's best friends to support her. Not surprisingly, as key people in her life pull away, your client loses her will to struggle. The growing isolation also puts jobs, housing, and her connections to help at risk. It's critical to pull as many of these people back to her side as possible. The good news is that with many people, this isn't too difficult. Many know what's right. They just need a little coaxing and support from you. (Be sure you discuss this with your client and ask her permission first.) Your supportive conversation with the victim's friend or family member, your acknowledgment of the difficulties of the situation, and a little education on the dynamics of violence against women, serve as a powerful antidote to the perpetrator's forces of evil. And even those who do not get completely turned around by your phone call are often dissuaded from actively supporting the perpetrator because your presence has served as a countervailing force. Don't underestimate the power you have as a professional voice in the community. A simple phone call from you will work wonders in stemming the buildup of hostile reactions to your client in her family or social circle. And stopping those hostile reactions is critical to her ability to maintain the struggle.
Track and Monitor Your Client's Case with Your Client | ||||||||
In the course of dealing with rape, domestic violence or child abuse, your client is going to be dealing with a dizzying procession of criminal justice officials, family court officials, victim advocates, counselors, and a host of service providers. None of them are likely to be serving as a case manager, all of them are likely to be overloaded with similar cases, and some of them may be outright hostile to these cases. At the same time, in order for your client to obtain the essential benefits of these systems it's necessary for her to stick with the process, to understand the process, and to feel confident in what happens next and why.
Make the System Work for Your Client | ||||||||
The following section is a brief overview of the powers and pitfalls of the four principal systems your client will be dealing with: the criminal justice system, the family court system, victim advocates and services, and child protective services (in some states called child welfare agencies). There will probably be other institutions your client will be dealing with such as social services, housing, schools, churches, etc., but the tips we lay out here for dealing with the primary systems can, in general, be applied to dealing with the others. Before going into detail on these systems individually, here are a couple of overview notes. Note I: In brief, the current responses of these systems to violence against women cover the full range from excellent to atrocious and everything in between, even within an individual agency. Over the last 30 years, a solid body of law has been put into place in most states giving these systems immense powers to protect and liberate victims of violence against women. But very serious problems remain in the enforcement and implementation of these laws and powers. A good working model to keep in mind as to what you and your client can expect from these systems (not including victim services which has a different dynamic) is as follows: 25% of officials you encounter are likely to be progressive. These officials have developed competency in cases of violence against women. They will use their powers effectively to free women from violence. These are the officials to seek out when trouble occurs. For example, if a police officer has treated your client's case poorly and written an inadequate report, don't resign yourself to accepting it. Simply call a sergeant or another officer on another shift, and get the report corrected. These progressive individuals can be found, one here and one there, in every part of the system. Keep calling around until you find them. Lean on them, and don't forget to thank them for what they do. Another 50% of officials often need a little prodding, coaxing, and stroking to do the job right. They also need a hovering awareness of your ability to kick hard if things aren't done right. In general, these individuals are governed by varying combinations of lingering sexism, racism, and bureaucratic laziness. But with a little attention on your part, they usually can be moved to do the right thing. It's with these officials that you can make an immense difference for your client just by making your presence known with a few simple phone calls. The final 25% of officials are not only hostile to these cases to begin with, they are angry and bitter about the deep changes that have been made in favor of victims, and most of all about the role they have been made to take in implementing those changes. The hardened sexism and racism of these officials is extremely dangerous to your client. These officials are quite capable of going out of their way to sabotage your client and her case. They will actively do things like the following: write biased or false reports, or write no report at all. They will dump evidence, side with the perpetrator, arrest the victim, lie to you and the victim, and much more. The dangers these individuals pose to your client are threefold. First, it only takes one such individual to completely derail your client's case. Second, the authority with which these individuals act gives a green light to the perpetrator who then feels encouraged to escalate his own abuses against the victim. And third, when your client feels the power of the system turn against her, she will naturally be terrified of continuing to seek help from the system. You and your client need to recognize these officials quickly and take action to prevent or correct the immense damage they can do. This is where your quick intervention can save your client's life. Note II: Neither you nor your client should be intimidated by the system. Both of you need to feel completely free in dealing with these systems; free to ask probing questions, free to speak openly about concerns, and free to go right up the ranks and to make demands. One of the most important things you can do for your client is to fortify her understanding that she has a right to protection and justice. Validate for her that there are indeed hostile people in the system, and remind her that there also many excellent officials who can be found to help her. As for your own role in dealing with the system, don't underestimate the power and influence you have as a professional in the community. And don't hesitate to use it. Note III: Remind your client again and again of the importance of being accompanied by a support person in dealing with the system. Note IV: The following discussions emphasize what can go wrong with the system because, of course, that's where your intervention is most needed. So as you read, don't forget that there are many officials throughout the system who are willing to use their powers to help. The immense powers these systems have to help your client combined with the growing number of officials who are willing to implement these powers makes it all the more important that you recognize problems quickly. That way you can appeal to someone else right away to get the problems corrected. The Criminal Justice SystemThe criminal justice system has more power than any segment of society to help victims of violence against women. Once there is violence or threat of violence, no other system has the power or authority to launch a criminal investigation, to put the perpetrator under control, to stop the violence, or to forcefully intervene to protect the victim. Even the family court system which can issue all manner of restraining orders, custody orders, etc., depends on the criminal justice system to enforce those orders. You can social work these cases to death, but unless the violence and threats of violence are stopped, the perpetrator is just going to turn around, escalate, and undo any progress the victim has made. If the criminal justice system response is not adequate, the perpetrator will, in all likelihood, regain control of the victim, one way or another. Tips for guiding your client through the criminal justice system:
The Family Court SystemThe family court system adjudicates divorces, restraining orders, custody disputes, child support, and other family matters. The premises and structure of the family court system puts victims of domestic violence and intra-familial sexual assault at a huge disadvantage from the start. In the criminal system the immense powers of the state are pitted against the accused. The state, when functioning properly, takes full responsibility for investigating and pursuing the case against the accused. In the family court system, cases consist of one private individual's complaint against another private individual. In family court, unless she hires a lawyer, the burden of preparing the case rests on the victim. Also, in family court, the two parties are considered to be equals who have come into conflict over shared interests. This too is a disastrous presumption for the victim who, in reality, is subjugated to the other party's violence and threats. In addition, family court has no real power over the violent party other than to issue orders, such as restraining orders or orders of custody. Ultimate enforcement of these orders depends on the criminal justice system. Furthermore, family court rulings are based on a preponderance of the evidence in contrast to the more rigorous 'beyond a reasonable doubt' standard in criminal cases. As a consequence, family court rulings are subject to more arbitrary decision making where officials' biases come much more easily into play. Such things as the fact that the man generally has a job, a lawyer, and stability, while the victim of domestic violence does not, can too often sway things to the man's favor in family court. In addition, different from criminal court, in family court it's very easy for the perpetrator to turn around and make accusations against the victim, accusations against which she must then build a defense. In short, the family court system is often like quicksand for victims of violence against women. The more she struggles, the more she can become mired in mandated mediation sessions, psych evaluations, and a maze of other no-win entanglements with her abuser. Tips for guiding your client through the family court system:
If your client cannot be persuaded to report to the police, or if the ongoing criminal case is irreparably biased against her, and she's mired in a family court battle, here's what to do:
Another thing to remind your client is that perpetrators don't stop perpetrating, especially if they have not been brought to justice. So she should stay aware and watch for his next mistake. Victim Advocates and Victim ServicesVictim advocates are theoretically on the victim's side, to inform her of her rights, inform her of available services, advocate for her with the other services, accompany her to court, help her connect to other services, listen carefully to her concerns, and protest when her rights are violated. In almost all cases, you'll find that victim advocates are, indeed, very sympathetic to your client and willing to help her. Nonetheless, there are serious problems you and your client should be aware of in dealing with the current status of victim advocacy and services in the United States.
Child Protective Services Child protective services (CPS), like family court, is quicksand for victims of violence against women. Always keep in mind, child protective services have only one power and that is the power to remove children from the home and to make the children wards of the state. Child protective services cannot do criminal investigations, cannot bring a case against a perpetrator, have no power of arrest, nor can child protective services bring charges against a perpetrator. It's worth repeating, child protective services have only one power and that is the power to remove a child from the home. Moreover, they are authorized to do so on a very low level of evidence. So if your client is a victim of domestic violence and she tells you her child was abused by the father and then you report to CPS, there is only one thing CPS will do. They will open an investigation to determine if the child should be removed from the home. All too often, they will begin investigating your client to determine if your client did or did not protect the child from the abuser. And all too often, because your client is a victim of domestic violence, the answer will be no, your client did not (could not) protect the child from the abuser. This will have the all too frequent disastrous result that CPS will take the child from your client. Civil rights attorneys in New York have recently successfully sued their state's child welfare services on behalf of domestic violence victims for these horrendous practices. But unfortunately the practice goes on with impunity in most other states, including in our state of California.
Know and Exercise Your Client's Rights | ||||||||
Most states in the U.S. have
passed a significant body of victims' rights law. The following is a list
of some of the key victim's rights law in California. For a more complete
discussion of these and other victims' rights, and what to do when these
rights are violated, see "Know
Your Rights" on our web site at www.justicewomen.com.
Under California law: Police MUST write a domestic violence report on all domestic related cases. (Penal Code Section 13730) Domestic violence victims have a right to obtain a full copy of the police crime report on her case. (Family Code Section 6228) Sexual assault victims have a right to be accompanied by an advocate and support person of her choice at all points in the criminal justice process, including in all meetings and interviews with police and prosecutors. (Penal Code Section 679.04) Police MUST make an arrest on all domestic violence restraining order violations where there is probable cause the violation occurred. The statement of a credible victim, by itself, is sufficient for probable cause. (Penal Code Section 836(c)(1)) Prosecutors must inform victims of felony violence of any plea bargain the prosecutor intends to offer the defendant. (Penal Code Section 679.02(a)(12)) Under Federal Law: People who don't speak English have a constitutional right to interpretation sufficient to provide them equal access to and services from all public services. Public services such as police, district attorneys, probation departments must provide the interpreters. (14th Amendment - Right to Equal Protection of the Laws)
Obtain Written Materials for Your Client at www.justicewomen.com | ||||||||
On our web site you'll find over 80 full text, paired English/Spanish documents you can download for your clients. The texts are presented in an easy to read, step-by-step format. They cover such topics as Tips for Rape Victims, Tips for Domestic Violence Victims, Tips for Immigrant Women, Tips for Testifying, Tips for Helping a Friend, Teaching Scenarios, Victims' Rights, and much, much more. Download these guides, or call us for the bilingual booklets of the same titles.
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