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Individual Documents / Documentos Individuos
Maze of Injustice (Amnesty International 2007)
The failure to protect Indigenous women from sexual violence in the USA
Laberinto de injusticia. (Amnestia internacional, 2007)
Falta de protección de las mujeres indígenas frente a la violencia sexual
Programming to Address Violence Against Women
10 Case Studies
(UN Publication 2007)
Ending Violence Against Women (UN Publication 2007)
Victim Input into Plea Agreements
Spousal Rape Laws: 20 Years Later
Domestic Violence Fatality Review: Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Violencia de Genero - Por Que?
Victim Services: Promising Practices in Indian Country
Backlash: Angry Men's Movements
An Uneasy Alliance: Law Enforcement and Domestic Violence Victim Advocates in a Rural Area
Marital Rape: New Research and Directions
Incomplete, Inconsistent, and Untrue Statements Made by Victims: Understanding the causes and overcoming the challenges
Sex Offender Myths and Facts
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
Missing Native Women (Canada)
Derechos humanos y el acceso al aborto
From Soldaderas to Comendantas, Zapatista Women
Víctimas por partida doble Obstrucciones al aborto legal por violación en México
Decisión prohibida: Acceso de las mujeres a los anticonceptivos y al aborto en Argentina
Violence and Pregnancy Study 2006
Conduct Unbecoming
Sexual Assault in Rural America
Plan de Seguridad Ante la Violencia Domestica
El Aborto en America Latina, Proclamacion del 5 de Diciembre, 2001
10 Cosas que los HOMBRES pueden hacer
Abuse of Women in Custody (Amnesty International Report)
Batterers Intervention Program Checklist
Sexual Violence Against South African Girls in Schools
Domestic Violence and Birth Control Sabotage
Eliminating Barriers for Latina Survivors
Violence Against Native Women: Fact Sheet
Domestic Violence for Employers
The Myth of False Allegations of Child Abuse in Divorce
Evaluating Hospital Based Domestic Violence Programs
A Failure of Imagination (UNICEF paper on maternal deaths)
Fact Sheet on Battered Women in Prison
Lethality Assessment: Domestic Violence
Violence Predictors in Children
Operation Predator: Homeland Security Office Child Trafficking Report
Iraq Women's Conference, October 2003
Psychological Trauma of Crime Victimization
Violence Against Rural Women
Misuse of Police Powers in Officer Involved Domestic Violence
Responding to Sexual Violence (UN Human Rights Commision)
Human Rights Watch - Publications
Prevention of Battering During Pregnancy (Patient Information)
Prevenir Golpes Durante el Embarazo (Informacion para la paciente)
Yahoo Salud (Indice)
Cal Courts Self-Help; Restraining Orders
Sexual Violence and abduction of Women and girls in Baghdad
The effect of domestic violence on pregnancy and labour
Data on Pregnant Victims - US GAO
Recibi Flores Hoy
Using Interpreters in Forensic Interviews
Tráfico y explotación sexual de menores en San Diego
Protect The Sex Trafficking of Children in San Diego
HIDDEN IN THE HOME: Abuse of Domestic Workers
Sexual Abuse of Males
Trabajo Social: Enlaces
Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict
Dating Violence Statistics and Bibliography
Domestic Violence in Pregnancy (Report)
Native Women Missing or Murdered in Canada
Domestic Violence: Information and Referral Handbook, Santa Clara County
Juarez City: Petition to end Violence Against Women
Native Women Missing or Murdered in Canada
Bibliographic References for Multicultural Perspectives on Domestic Violence in the U.S.
For Mothers of Children Sexually Abused by Partner
Native American Women and Violence
Police Officer Domestic Violence
Recursos, Mujeresred
Limits and risks of "programs for wife batterers
Pastillas Anticonceptivas de Emergencia
Sexual Victimization of College Women
Violencia Domestica: El Salvador
Historical Overview: Crime Victim's Rights in America
A Vision to End Sexual Assault: Calcasa Strategic Forum Report
Strategies Against Abuse Must Reflect Culture
Physicians for Human Rights; Investigations on Women
Documenting Domestic Violence for Health Care Professionals
Basic Guidelines on Approaching Victims of Crime
United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Declaración sobre los principios fundamentales de justicia para las víctimas de delitos y del abuso de poder
Relationship Warning Signs
Criminal Justice / Justicia Criminal
Criminal Justice Links
Model Comprehensive State Legislation to Combat Trafficking in Persons
Feminist Law Professors
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
Accesso a la justicia para mujeres victimas de violencia en las Americas
Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Americas
Tribal Domestic Violence Case Law
Women and Girls in the CJS (research overview)
Find California Code
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Police Executive Research Forum
Informe sobre "La violencia doméstica contra las mujeres"
California District Attorneys Assoc.
International Association of Women Judges
Sexual Assault Benchbook
Stop DV - Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Training
Creating an Effective Stalking Protocol
National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives
Indian Tribal Courts (Overview)
Danger Assessment
Driving While Female: A National Problem of Police Misconduct
Police Sexual Abuse of Teenage Girls
Twisted Badge (law enforcement abuse site)
Lethality Assessment, Domestic Violence
Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Misuse of Police Powers in Officer Involved Domestic Violence
California Women Lawyers
Interpol World Catalogue of Sex Offense Laws: Country by Country
Design of Justice System Performance Indicators (Vera Institute)
San Diego County Domestic Violence Protocol (click on dvc library)
Police Misconduct
Justice System Performance Indicators
Hiring and Retaining Women in Law Enforcement: Advantages
USDOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics
Prosecuting Adult Rape: A Model Curriculum
Reforming California's Youth and Adult Correctional System
Sexual Assault Resources for Law Enforcement
Sexual Assault: Police Interaction Research Report
Police Response to Sexual Assault
Policias de Argentina (aportes)
Search Legal Terms (LawGuru)
American Judges Association - Domestic Violence Issue
Police Burnout and Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence
Police Domestic Violence - SABLE Program
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Police Domestic Violence - Model Policy - Int Assoc. of Chiefs of Police
Community Policing Consortium
International Association of Women Police
Police Liability
International Criminal Court Now!
DOJ Stalking Report
Australasian Council of Women and Policing
San Diego Domestic Violence Council Library
Case Studies: Racism in Policing
Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association
Police Accountability
Police Assessment Resource Center
Vera Institute of Justice
Andean Commission of Jurists
The Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
American Prosecutors' Research Institute: Papers
World FactBook of Criminal Justice Systems
Cornell Law School Supreme Court Collection
Assessing Justice System Response to Violence Against Women
Coalicion por la Corte Penal Internacional
Coalition for the International Criminal Court
Survivors of Murder Victims
Professional Sports Police Blotter
Comision Andina de Juristas
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Corte Internacional de Justicia
El Mundo del Derecho
How to be Victim Friendly in Juvenile Court
Themis, Associacion de Mujeres Juristas
National Center for Women in Policing
Find Law
Black Police Association Women's Forum
National Association for the Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement
Police Ethics Training
about.com guide to Crime
about.com guide to Civil Liberties

All rights reserved © 2010 by Woman's Justice Center
Web site by S. Henry Wild